Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stupidity in “top” American Universities

I thought you had to be smart to get into MIT or Columbia University. Apparently not.

How stupid do you have to be to falsely represent yourself as someone carrying a bomb into the airport where two of the four 9/11 attack planes launched from? A lot of people risk life and limb in non-productive endeavors as the MIT sophomore did, but they don’t intentionally do things that are likely to shut down major transportation hubs. That takes a special kind of self-absorbed, ignorance-cultivated, stupidity - the kind that can only be cultivated in a “top” American university.

How stupid do you have to be to give the leader of the world’s leading terrorist state a global platform to propagandize against America? Once again, it is the kind of self-absorbed, over-indulgent, head-in-the-sand type of stupidity that can only be cultivated at a “top” American university.

How stupid do you have to be to allow the leader of the worlds leading terrorist state to maneuver you into a no-win situation?

There is nothing new to learn about this man. We know it all. He has told us what he stands for. Even if, as the university claims, he will be “challenged” by the students, what will it accomplish? Well, again, he holds all the cards. His mind will never be changed. He can filibuster so that only a limited number of questions can be asked, effectively eliminating the so-called challenge. If the students react to him as they did to the minutemen (which we all know is extremely unlikely), he is given propaganda to take back to his world showing the evidence that Americans are “rude and unholy.” It’s a no win situation, you idiots. Checkmate – he wins no matter what.

Once again, I ask “How stupid do you have to be to let this happen? How hungry for your 15 minutes of fame do you have to be to be eager to play a part in this fiasco? Apparently, you have to be stupid enough to believe the politically correct crap that is fed to students in our “top” universities in 2007, completely ignoring the lessons they should have learned on 9/11. Personally, I think it’s time for a major revision of the syllabus.

New York City officials, by contrast, saw right through the ruse to visit ground zero to lay a wreath in honor of the fallen – his fallen, not ours. What’s the moral of the story?

There are two really:

First, it makes you question the value of a college education, if these are the results.

Second, if you want a real education in New York City, join the NYPD or the FDNY, and stay as far as you can from Columbia University lest it infect you.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Celebrate the 9/11 Victory over Al-Qaeda

I remember the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11/2001. I was working from home when one of my co-workers, George, told me to turn on the television. What I remember most about the collapse was thinking to myself “I am watching tens of thousands of people die.” In the days following that attack, I heard Bin Laden (who has apparently now joined the decadent ranks of the $400 haircut club, judging by his recent youthful beard makeover) declare that this was a successful attack beyond any expectations. As usual, he lied.

I considered it a victory for the United States. These evil cowards should have been able to murder 40,000 of us as they worked in those towers and Bin Laden knew it and expected it. But guess what. They couldn’t. We (and by “we” I mean mainly the heroes at the FDNY and on flight 93) saved 37,000+ people. By any standard, saving 37,000+ innocent people is worth celebrating.

What I would like to see in celebration of 9/11 is a story or two on the news about the documented difference that one of these documented survivors has made to our world or to the war on terror. It disturbs me that that I have not seen that in the past six years. I would also like to see some statistics on how many children were born as a direct result of those 37,000+ people surviving that day. I would be willing to bet it is more than 3,000. In any case, even if it is 1, it is another defeat for the terrorists.

The mainstream media is unlikely to pursue such a positive American story, so come on Fox News. We need you to carry the banner for us once again. I am sure Geraldo could come up with thousand of these stories if he put his mind to it. But we don’t need thousands; we just need a few really good ones.

So when 9/11 comes around this year, celebrate it. Celebrate the victory of the noble innocents over the terrorists. Fly your American flag proudly. Fly it rain or shine, secure in the knowledge that that flag and the nation it represents will gladly endure a few drops of rain to mourn its victims and honor its heroes. Celebrate it for the entire month as though it has been declared “Victory on 9/11 month” because, declared or not, that’s what it is. At least, that’s how I see it here at the bottom.