Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Immigration Reform – Deformed (Mexican Food)

The immigration bill was killed; now it’s alive again. It apparently has more lives than a cat. I am being called a racist on the news shows (even on Fox News by Geraldo) because I believe the laws of the land ought to be enforced. You know, the ones on the books making invasion of the United Stated illegal since 1986, signed by Reagan and enforced by no one since then.

So for those of you who may agree with me, here is the next argument intended to assault your integrity as soon as the new version of this idiot bill sees resistance. I’m preparing you for it now, so don’t say you weren’t warned. ”Oh, you don’t mind eating Mexican food, but having a few Mexicans around to cook it for you is objectionable, you racist.”

Here is the correct response. “No you [add expletive if desired. You’ve earned the right at this point] moron. I love legal Mexican food, preferably cooked by legal Americans of Mexican descent. And by the way - that Mexican-American crap, or any other hyphenated American. I don’t want them cooking my food either. I want Americans in America, who think of themselves as Americans - not any kind of hyphenated American, and if I had my way, anybody who thinks of themselves as a hyphenated American would be deported to wherever they used to hyphenate, since that is obviously where they would prefer to be. Anything else?”

No, they won’t learn a thing. But the important thing is they will not have tricked you into feeling guilt you had no business feeling.

Meanwhile, Bush and the Congress are continuing to ignore the will of the people – that they do their jobs in enforcing current laws (like the 1986 immigration law and the 2006 fence authorization) rather than create a third law to ignore. These are the activities that serve as the principal argument for term limits. Can’t we extend them to include the Congress?

Maybe Cheney becoming a fourth branch of government isn’t such a bad idea. Who in their right mind would want to be associated with what we have in there right now. That’s all I can stand to write right now as my stomach is bothering me, and believe me, it’s not the excellent Mexican food I had for lunch.


Dee said...

Well Tony, I am glad you are not having your way. I am a Mexican American and I love my USA.

The biggest problem you and others have about the broken Immigration policies is the fact you lump in all Hispanics into your arguments, not just illegal immigrants. Maybe that´s why so many are on the opposting side.

Other than this little slip, I am sure you are a very nice guy.

Visit my blog and you will learn more about a real true blue Mexican American.

tonydaski said...

Dee, thanks for the comment. Now, let’s get a few things straight. First, I am not now and never will back off for one single solitary second on the hyphenated nonsense. I am NOT a Croatian-Russian-Romanian-American. I am an American – period – now and forever in every reference I will ever make except to illustrate the hyphenation foolishness that people seem almost addicted to. I visited your blog, and I saw you describe yourself as an American, and then as a Mexican-American thereafter. Make up your mind – one or the other – not both.

Second, the biggest problem I have with the broken immigration policy is that it is not being enforced. Some of the people who are crossing the border intend to do you, me and both of our families harm. I don’t believe that those people are Hispanic at all, unless Hugo Chavez is in the mix, but the huge mob crossing the border is providing cover for those intent on doing us harm. Where did I single out Mexicans? I didn’t. I won’t. The reasons I was addressing Mexico were two. First, Geraldo and others are out there calling me racist for wanting to enforce the law at all. Second, I had just had a great Mexican meal and was showing appreciation for the culture. Having said that, let’s face the fact that the vast majority of our 12 million or so illegal immigrants are Mexican. That’s not my fault and Mexicans deserve no better or worse treatment than anyone else. Break the law; get punished, whoever you are. Some of my best friends back in Chicago, where I lived and worked for most of my life were of Mexican decent. The only “lumping” I do is illegal immigrants as lawbreakers who ought not to be rewarded for breaking the law as their first act in the United States. Whether it takes place on our northern border or our southern border, the rules ought to be the same, but guess what. The current problem happens to be on our southern border.

Incidentally, I feel the same about employers who aide and abet criminals (people who break the law). These employers are themselves criminals and ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law first. If I have to pay more for my grapes, apples, oranges, etc., fine.

I’m happy that your family is doing well, and even happier that you are apparently all doing well legally. But even if I were to find out that your ancestors were here illegally those many years ago, I wouldn’t care. That was then (pre-9/11). This is now (post-9/11). The world changed and we need to act accordingly. The rules changed – more specifically, they need to be enforced.

Dee said...

Tony, I too worked in chicago a while back. i enjoyed my time there. Chicago is very diverse and multi cultural, similar to where I live now, Dallas.

If you read my blog you know I support border security and employer sanctions. Where my view differs from you and others I call ANTIs is what to do about the 12M who are here and have significantly contributed to our country. My blog goes into detail as to why.

I don´t call you names. We can have a civil discussion. There are far too many "ANTI" sites that are deplorable and do pull the race card. That is who Geraldo and other PROs are talking about. They are on their sites, and YouTube, AM radio and other venues. Then you have people like Pat Buchanan blathering, selling his books.

I would like us all to talk civillly and mutually develop reasonable solutions. We do need viable solutions to the current mess and you know as well as I do what a devastating impact a mass deportation of 12M people would have on our economy. Bernanke and Greenspan have said the 12M helped us avoid a recession. We need to think of viable solutions.