Thursday, February 28, 2013

You've Got to Stand for Something...

You've Got to Stand for Something...

...or you'll fall for anything. So go the lyrics to a legendary country song by Aaron Tippin. It's true, and America did.

Almost 4 months ago, we elected a lying socialist, who many believe “sacrificed” the lives of 4 Americans in favor of the “greater good,” which he defined as his re-election. Those who believe this can put forth a credible, convincing argument for it – yet he was re-elected.

Many of his promises were promises he had made before and had not kept – yet he was re-elected.

His personal attacks and character assassination on a Mormon opponent were obviously and demonstrably the opposite of reality – yet he was re-elected.

His policies were easily identifiable as socialist – yet he was re-elected.

We created this mess and it's up to us to make it right. You have to decide what it is you stand for. Once you do that, you have to decide who best represents your view of the world. Sounds easy, but we've screwed it up over and over again. That's how we got here. That's why we find ourselves disgusted with government, regardless of who is in the White House or running the congress.

People voted based on single-issues. That's wrong, not because I think it is, but because it invariably gets you the wrong result.

People voted against people that they didn't bother to get to know. Again, wrong because it invariably gets you the wrong result.

People voted because they have always voted for a particular party. Wrong, because those parties change over time and if you haven't followed those changes closely, it invariably eventually gets you the wrong result.

And by the wrong result, I don't mean what I think is the wrong result. I mean a result inconsistent with your intent.

You can't “stand for” a single issue and succeed because you have to elect a person, and that person has views on other issues. Eventually, your issue is resolved. Then what? Some value guided you to the issue. You have to stand for the set of principles that support the issue. It's as true for the issues of gay and reproductive rights as it is for gun rights and governmental scope.

The days of this crap of expecting to be respected for claiming to be “independent” are over. It's another way of copping out. Choose or it will be chosen for you. And so far those choices have not gone well.

You've Got to Stand for Something,or you'll fall for anything. It's true; you did.

It's 3½ years until the next presidential primary season and I, personally, have had it with both parties, so-called independents, and single-issue advocates. At least the Libertarians are honest, so the only person I actually believe in Washington currently, is Rand Paul (although to be fair, I'm still on the fence about Marco Rubio). Listen to these people; they say a lot. Watch what they do; they are doing a lot. Compare it to what they say. It's easy. It's simple, and there is no longer an excuse not to.

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