Second: Bill and Geraldo, nice show. You’re both right; you’re both wrong. Nonetheless, you (or for that matter, Don King) could not have done more of a service to the people of the U.S., and ultimately the world, in publicizing the issue.
Of course the death of Alison Kunhardt, 17 and Tessa Tranchant, 17, in Virginia Beach at the hands of an illegal alien is an immigration issue. Of course it is also a drunk-driving issue.
The difference is that we actually DO something to address drunk driving, while we bury our heads in the sand when it comes to illegal aliens. I am doing my best to respect the request of Tessa’s father Ray, who requested that this tragedy not become a political football.
It should be irrelevant to the issue of immigration that lives have been taken. People who are here illegally have no right to be here. PERIOD! They should be deported NOW! The argument made by nearly everyone that it is impossible to deport nearly 12 million illegal aliens is a defeatist, self-fulfilling prophecy – like pulling out of Iraq. Call it what you will. It is blanket amnesty, a reward for bad behavior and for breaking the law. So what if you can’t get them all?! You’ll never get any if you don’t try. Get as many as you can out. 1 million, 4 million 10 million – fine! 10 million is 83% of the problem. How much have we solved by wringing our politically correct hands over the fact that we may not get the other 2 million. We have solved 0%, with 100% of the problem remaining and growing every day.
We are so concerned that an illegal alien, law breaker might die trying to cross the border. Fine! Better them that the 2 innocent, law abiding teenagers from Virginia Beach or any other innocent – including the millions who could die in a terrorist attack on a large American city.
If the border patrol, or even the minutemen, had orders to shoot to kill those who did not stop when ordered to stop, that would be fine with me. This is an invasion; it has been an invasion for a long time. The only thing lacking are uniforms on those crossing the border.
So what’s the solution? It’s easy. Let’s see if it would have the support of a huge majority of the American people – not the loudest, whiniest ones of course, but the rest of us.
- At the border. Shoot to kill anyone crossing the border who does not stop when ordered in both English and the language of the country they are attempting to cross from – in the case of Mexico, English and Spanish; in the case of Canada – English and French. We live in a post 9/11 world, where these are invaders who do not respect our laws, or they wouldn’t be breaking our immigration laws to begin with. We should assume they would be willing to break our other laws as well.
- Since there is ample evidence that the Mexican government is supportive in this invasion, the Mexican government is responsible for the cost of gathering the bodies at the border and transportation home for burial. If the Mexican government would like to come to the U.S. to do the work themselves, we should grant temporary worker permits for that purpose.
- Within the U.S. Sanctuary cities are illegal cities, refusing to uphold the laws of the land. As such, they should lose Federal funding for law enforcement, education, welfare, and health care, since we may safely assume that these funds are going to illegal aliens. I don’t want to support them. Let Virginia Beach, Los Angeles and all the others who would squander my money, squander their own for a change.
- Within the U.S. When an illegal alien is discovered they should be deported. Period! They should be fingerprinted and an FBI record kept for future reference. Of course the Mexican government should be responsible for all deportation costs.
- Within the U.S. When an illegal alien is discovered a second time – after being deported, it should mean an automatic 5 years in jail after conviction. Conviction=jail time; acquittal=deportation+time served (no bail). Each subsequent conviction of re-entering the U.S. illegally carries an additional 5 years. This means that someone convicted 3 times of re-entering the U.S. illegally after being deported would serve 3 terms totaling 30 years (5+10+15).
- Within the U.S. Anyone employing an illegal alien is subject to a fine consisting of their estimated savings + the court costs and deportation costs for that person.
- Within the U.S. Implement a strictly regulated guest worker program, similar to that proposed by President Bush.
It’s all or nothing as for as I’m concerned. When that first dirty bomb goes off in Chicago (or wherever) after having been smuggled across the border, it’s not going to half-detonate. It’s going to go of with all the force that those who hate us can muster. Then you can try to tell the survivors in Chicago (or wherever) about compassion. Do it in person if you dare, and while you’re at it, tell them how you forgot about 9/11.
If you hide your head in the sand, you are going to get your ass kicked. We have and we are. Apparently, you like it. I don’t.
Why bother deporting illegals when nothing is done from keeping them from coming back?
Want to be nice and PC about a solution? Put the penalty on employing illegals where it should be. Don't blame the illegal (but get rid of them,) blame the American who employs them. Put them out of business. Forget fining them, make them really pay.
The reason illegals come here is for employment. Cut that off and you will stop giving illegals reasons for coming here.
RandomThoughts, thanks for the comments. Actually I thought I was sugggesting plenty that would keep them from coming back - like shoot to kill if they don't stop on command. I like to tackle a problem from as many sides as possible.
I would like to take the opportunity to say that I felt a pang of guilt in writing that. Many of these adults bring their children with them. I am not in favor of shooting children.
I stop short of putting people out of business because that is the job of the market. I am unwilling to punish the customers of the business. It is the customers who will determine if the business, with its new cost structure, is worthy of staying in business. It isn't a PC issue with me. I hate PC.
It is worth noting as well that while I speak of not allowing my country to be invaded, it is not the people who come here for employment that worry me the most. It is the terrorist who will inevitably sneak in because we are complacent in managing our borders. Thanks again.
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